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Can I save thousands of dollars with a 2% listing fee?

Depending on your home’s price. You could save tons of dollars by paying a 2% real estate commission.

This means you will be paying a total commission of around 5% only if you offer a competitive buyer’s agent commission.

Although you might think this is not a significant discount compared to the one paid with a traditional realtor, if you are thinking of selling an expensive property, you will definitely see the difference.

See how much you might save at three different scales, if you work with a  2% commission realtor. 


Get Full Service

There are a number of agents who do not offer as many services as traditional realtors; in this case, agents offer a reduced commission. Instead, what  we do is to provide a full service for the same commission, which really makes the difference in the market. 

There might be two types of pricing options offered by these agents: listing packages and a la carte. The first one, a limited package, can involve more technical parts in the process such as listing your home on MLS or giving support with contracts; you will be responsible for the rest of the tasks. We will not allow you to take any risk and make any mistakes in the selling process. You won’t lose money.



If you don’t feel confident during selling process, we highly recommend you to get a professional service for a 2% commission, when these services are typically included in a commission of around 6%.

Realtors in West Palm Beach Florida

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